Sébastien Partika
Creative director.

Sébastien Partika is based in Paris since 2019, currently working as a Creative Director at Buzzman and Productman (Buzzman’s spinoff agency dedicated to experience design).

 He began his advertising career in Paris in 2005 and was the first creative to join Buzzman, experimenting with digital media and innovative ways to advertise, mixing storytelling and new technologies for Orange, Axe and Vivendi among other French brands.
From 2010, Séb developed creative solutions at BETC for Canal+, Air France, Disneyland and more. Looking for new challenges, he moved to Amsterdam in 2012 where he worked at Sid Lee and eventually joined Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam as co-creative director on Milka and KFC with previous experience on global brands such as Facebook, Nike and Heineken.
After 7 years, he’s returned in France and coincidentally continues his successful career at the agency he had started a decade ago.
Séb has won numerous awards for various campaigns at major festivals worldwide, including Cannes Lions, Clio and French Art Directors Club…